Stock Management System

Keep an eye on your stock

Stock consumption gives you a estimated expense of the dairy Farm. It eliminates busy work involved in manual record Book and ambiguity in remaining stock, saving time and costs.

Stock Management System

Full Stock Consumption

Create multiple Product Consumption

Put consumption of products day by day

Estimate Cost

Day by Day consumption of products gives you estimation of cost.

Vitualization of Inventory

Graphical Representation provides you better overall stock reservoirs.

Feed Stock

Feed Stock

Feed Consumption

Feedings play as an important in maintaining dairy farm.Feed Consumption in DairyCare provides you facility to keep track of your daily feed consumption.

Feed Consumption Report

You can get different report lists to evaluate feed consumption and remaining stock. Keep track of day to day consumption.

Online Leave Management System

Medicine Consumption

Medicine Consumption

Medicine Consumption in DairyCare provides you facility to keep track of your daily medicine consumption.

Medicine Consumption Report

You can get different report lists to evaluate medicine consumption and remaining stock. Keep track of day to day consumption.

Leave Year-End Processing

Semen Stock

Semen Consumption

Semen Consumption in DairyCare provides you facility to keep track of your daily semen consumption.

Semen Consumption Report

You can get different report lists to evaluate semen consumption and remaining stock. Keep track of day to day consumption.